The Town of Princeton, in partnership with BC Transit, operates a local and regional bus service.
Princeton operates door to door service within Princeton and regional service between Princeton and Penticton. Additional service is available to Hedley and Coalmont.
For services to Hedley and Coalmont please call our transit operating partner, Princeton & District Community Services at 250-295-6666.
Door to door service within Princeton is available Tuesday, Thursday & Friday; simply call Princeton & District Community Services at 250-295-6666.
Scheduled service to Penticton via Keremeos is available Monday, Wednesday and Fridays with the bus leaving Princeton at 7:15 a.m. (Chevron) and leaving Penticton at 12:50 p.m. (Walmart)
Free Transit for Children 12 and Under 
Starting September 1, children aged 6 to 12 will be able to ride conventional and handyDART buses for free, unaccompanied and without requiring a fare product or identification.
Children aged 5 and under must be accompanied by someone 12 years or older to ride the bus, and must board and depart at the same stop as their guardian.
For additional resources for the Free Transit for Children 12 and Under program, click here.
Additional Information
Visit the BC Transit website for additional information on Princeton transit service or download the Princeton & Area Transit Rider’s Guide below: