BC Assessment 2022 assessments of homes

The BC Assessment Authority has issued their 2022 property assessments.  Property owners should have already received their notice or will receive the notice in the mail shortly.  Assessment information can also be retrieved at www.bcassessment.ca.  These assessments are the estimated value of property as of July 1, 2021; therefore, the assessments will include the full estimated value of land and improvements before the November 2021 flood event.


BC Assessment is obligated to take substantial damage or destruction of buildings into account if the damage occurs before October 31, 2021.  The Assessment Act also has provisions for damage that occurs until the end of the year, which includes the flooding event in November.  It is important for affected homeowners to contact BC Assessment by January 31, 2022 if they wish to have their property reassessed for flood damage.  For more information, please visit BC Assessment’s extreme weather events website at www.bcassessment.ca/weather or  contact the BC Assessment Authority at:


By Phone (Toll-Free): 866-825-8322 local 00500

By Email: weather@bcassessment.ca


Please note that the Town does not have status to change assessments and the appeal deadline is January 31, 2022.  Also, those homeowners that are working through Disaster Financial Assistance provided by the Province of British Columbia may wish to contact that program to verify eligibility status if the property is reassessed.  Please visit https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/emergency-management/preparedbc/evacuee-guidance/disaster-financial-assistance?keyword=DFA for further information or contact Disaster Financial Assistance at:


In Person: Okanagan Regional Library, 107 Vermilion Ave Princeton

By Phone (Toll-Free): 888-257-4777

By Email: DFA@gov.bc.ca